Do you know how cold is too cold for dogs? Did you know it varies based on breed, age, coat color, and more?
Most dogs are fine when temperatures are above 45°F, but sensitive dogs may get uncomfortable in lower temperatures. When it's freezing outside, your dog can be at risk of hypothermia. Temperatures lower than 20°F put all dogs at risk.
Of course, there are so many other factors that can help you determine if it's safe to go outside with your dog. A Husky can often enjoy extended periods in the snow as long as they have somewhere safe to warm up when they're ready, while a Chihuahua may suffer even before the temperatures drop below freezing.
In this article, we'll discuss what temperatures are safe for dogs, ways to keep your dog warm in the winter months, signs of hypothermia, and more.
Understanding Dog Breeds and Cold Tolerance: How Cold is Too Cold for Your Dog?
When cold temperatures hit, it's essential to understand how cold is too cold for your dog. While most dogs are equipped to handle cooler weather, there are several factors that can influence how well your pup tolerates the chill. Dog breeds vary significantly in their cold tolerance, with some better suited to the great outdoors in cold climates than others. Here’s what pet parents need to know about keeping their dogs warm and safe when winter weather strikes.
Cold-Tolerant Breeds vs. Cold-Averse Dogs
Some dog breeds are naturally built for cold climates. Larger dogs like Huskies, Malamutes, and Saint Bernards have thick, double coats and a higher amount of body fat, which helps them stay warm in freezing temperatures. These breeds are naturally cold tolerant and can handle colder conditions without much discomfort. In fact, they thrive in snowy conditions and can endure cold for dogs for longer periods.
However, not all dogs are built the same. Smaller breeds, such as toy breeds or those with thin coats like Chihuahuas or Greyhounds, lose body heat faster and are much more susceptible to feeling cold quickly. These smaller breeds need extra protection from the cold. When temperatures drop, these dogs with thin coats often struggle to maintain their body temperature, so it's crucial to keep them warm with dog jackets, booties, and blankets to prevent them from getting cold.
Cold Sensitivity in Senior and Sick Dogs
Senior dogs and sick dogs are at a greater risk in cold temperatures. As dogs age or develop health conditions, they may find it more difficult to regulate their body heat and can feel cold much quicker than younger, healthier dogs. Dogs with health conditions or those suffering from arthritis or joint pain can become more sensitive to the wind chill, and acting anxious or sluggish during walks might be signs that they are uncomfortable.
If your dog is older or has a compromised immune system, consider limiting their time outdoors during cold weather or opting for shorter winter walks. These dogs may also need a little extra help staying warm with dog sweaters and dog booties to protect their dog paws from snow and ice.
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Dog's Normal Body Temperature and Signs of Hypothermia
A dog’s normal body temperature ranges from 101°F to 102.5°F. If it falls below 99°F, your dog is at risk of hypothermia. Hypothermia occurs when a dog’s internal body temperature drops, and it can be life-threatening if not addressed promptly. Some common signs include:
Shivering and cold limbs as the dog loses body heat.
Pale gums, disorientation, and tiredness.
Rapid breathing slows as the condition worsens.
Upright fur and low body temperature.
If you notice these symptoms, bring your pet inside immediately and seek the help of a veterinarian or animal hospital if the symptoms persist.
Factors Influencing a Dog's Cold Tolerance
There are many factors that determine how long a dog can be in the cold. These include:
Breed and Size: Small dogs or toy breeds like Chihuahuas get cold more quickly than larger dogs like Bernese Mountain Dogs or healthy Arctic breeds.
Age: Senior dogs and puppies have a harder time regulating their body temperature compared to young adults.
Coat Type: Dogs with double coats can withstand harsher temperatures better than those with thin coats.
Weight and Health: Heavier dogs generally stay warmer for longer, while sick dogs are more susceptible to cold-related health issues.
Activity Level: A dog walk or winter walk can keep a dog’s body moving and warm, but a dog lying still will get colder faster.
Wind Chill and Weather Conditions: Wind chill and moisture in the air can make temperatures feel colder, affecting your dog’s comfort outdoors.
Protective Measures for Cold Weather
If temperatures are safe, but your dog gets cold easily, there are some measures you can take to keep them warmer. These include:
- Buy a jacket and booties for them to wear outdoors. Practice wearing these items during training sessions, desensitizing your dog by giving them treats. Most dogs won’t automatically accept wearing them but will get used to them with patience. Booties will also protect your dog’s paws from burns if they walk on salt, which is often used to melt ice on streets and sidewalks.
- Make sure they can come inside when they’re ready. Don’t leave your dog unattended in the backyard, but instead, stay nearby and let them inside immediately when they ask.
- On walks, stay near your home or car and watch for signs that your dog needs to go inside to get warm.
- Exercise indoors when possible or go outside for multiple brief bouts of exercise, rather than one long walk.
- Thoroughly dry your dog after a bath, or keep them in a warm, indoor environment until they air dry. Going outside in the cold while wet can be dangerous!
If you’re trying to keep your dog warm indoors while you keep the heat turned down, or if your power is out, here are some extra tips:
- Provide cozy, warm places to sleep, such as an orthopedic dog beds, which offers both warmth and joint support for your dog. Blankets, dog beds, and human furniture are all warmer to sleep on than tile or a bare crate.
- Be cautious with heating pads and other warming items. Many of these are fire hazards, and some (like fireplaces) can cause burns if your dog gets too close or they’re turned on too high.
- Stay in a small part of the house with your dog. Close off cooler areas of the house. It’s much easier to keep a small space warm for you both (and the rest of the family!) than to try to heat the entire house during a power outage.
- A blanket over the crate can trap heat. Just make sure at least one side is uncovered to allow for proper ventilation.
- Consider feeding them more, and don’t restrict access to water. Animals need more calories in the cold to keep themselves warm.
- Heavy blankets over windows or doorways can help to trap heat and block drafts.
- By creating a warm and safe environment, with a large orthopedic dog bed, your dog can stay cozy even during power outages or cold weather.
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Safe Outdoor Activities in Cold Weather
You can typically do most of your normal activities in the cold unless temperatures drop to dangerous levels. You might have to shorten the activity, however, so you’re not outside too long.
Other adjustments can also be made, such as using booties to protect your dog’s feet from salt on the sidewalk during your daily runs or choosing easier hiking paths to lower the risk of either of you slipping and hurting yourself.
Some winter-specific activities you might enjoy with your dog include:
- Playing fetch with snowballs - Just make sure not to toss them directly to your dog in case the snow breaks apart!
- Tossing toys into the snow for your dog to find - This is great enrichment for any dog, especially those who love to sniff!
- Skijoring or kick sledding - A combination of sled-pulling and skiing, these are excellent activities for active dogs and people. Your dog must be fully grown and weigh over 35 pounds to participate safely. Kicksledding may be easiest for those new to these types of sports!
- Snowshoeing - If you enjoy snowshoeing, you can bring your dog along for the fun!
When to Keep Your Dog Indoors
Once temperatures drop below freezing, most dogs will be uncomfortable outdoors, especially without anything helping them to keep warm.
However, more sensitive dogs may feel discomfort at 45 degrees Fahrenheit or lower. And dogs who love the cold might want to spend hours in the snow.
Hypothermia is a risk for some dogs once temperatures drop below freezing, or 32°F. When temperatures drop below 20°F, all dogs are at risk, even those with thick coats.
Of course, temperatures aren’t the only risk factor. You’ll also want to consider the wind chill, whether the sun is out or it’s cloudy, and if it's wet or rainy outside.
In general, if you’re too cold, your dog likely is too. Of course, this doesn’t apply to everyone–I get cold easily, and my black Labrador Retriever absolutely loved the snow!–but it’s a good rule of thumb if you’re feeling unsure.
If you do need to keep your dog indoors this winter, make sure to provide them with plenty of indoor activities to prevent boredom, depression, or anxiety. Mental enrichment can go a long way on those days you can’t get outside to release their pent-up energy!
Knowing how cold is too cold for your dog is crucial for any loving pet owner. If you have an older dog, consider investing in a senior dog bed, which can provide extra warmth and comfort during colder months. Always monitor your dog for signs of discomfort and keep them warm when the temperature drops. If your furry friend seems cold or you’re unsure, it’s best to keep them indoors and offer plenty of mental and physical enrichment to reduce the risks associated with cold climates.
By using these practical tips and understanding your furry friend's needs, you can ensure your dog stays safe, warm, and cozy all winter long!
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